10 Days until Halloween: Step Away from the “Indian” Costume

In Halloween by Adrienne K.5 Comments

(I know you just want to look as cool as this guy. He’s SO COOL. ::eyeroll::) Hey. It’s me again. It’s that time of year. You might be like, “Hey! What should I wear for Halloween this year?!?!” and some of you might be like, “OMG, I’ll be an INDIAN.” No. Don’t know why? I’ve got 8 posts about why. Detailing every …

So you wanna be an Indian for Halloween?

In anti racist halloween, costumes, Halloween, I am not a costume, Indian costumes, spirit halloween store by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

I wasn’t going to do a Halloween post this year. I thought about it, but decided I was going to try and let my posts from last year stand on their own. I’ve tried many approaches–the emotional plea, the in-your-face-racism approach, the “I am not a Costume” campaign–but every year, the arguments are the same. No one listens, people on …

Let’s debrief what happened with Halloween

In anti racist halloween, Halloween, how awesome is that emoticon pumpkin, reflections by Adrienne K.50 Comments

This isn’t going to be a story about how I chased some Pocahottie down the street yelling about the history of colonialism and subordination of Native peoples, or how I ripped a headdress off a huge guy and stomped it in the mud in the name of justice (Actually, I did that one time at a football game. Not recommended.). …

Halloween Costume Shopping: A sampling of the racism for sale

In costumes, Halloween, I am not your costume, pocahottie, racism, spirit halloween store by Adrienne K.153 Comments

“Sexy Indian Adult Costume” After my open letter yesterday, I feel like some people still aren’t getting it (maybe it was the 100+ comments telling me to eff off?). Despite my appeals to emotion and greater human decency, it seems that many people in the world of thar’ intranets need some more physical reminders as to why dressing like a …

Open Letter to the PocaHotties and Indian Warriors this Halloween

In Halloween, I am not your costume, open letter, pocahottie, white privilege by Adrienne K.592 Comments

Dear Person that decided to dress up as an Indian for Halloween, I was going to write you an eloquent and well-reasoned post today about all the reasons why it’s not ok to dress up as a Native person for Halloween–talk about the history of “playing Indian” in our country, point to the dangers of stereotyping and placing of Native …

Paris Hilton as a "Sexy Indian": The Halloween Fallout Begins

In Halloween, Indian costumes, Paris Hilton by Adrienne K.19 Comments

(image source–there are like 40 more pictures if you’re curious) These pictures of Paris Hilton at the Playboy Halloween Party have been making the rounds on the internets today. Jezebel put the photo up with a “ZOMG RACISMZ” headline–but no follow up or further information, so in typical Jezebel commenter fashion, the comments have descended into crazy. Check them out …

NOTABLE NATIVE PEOPLE (my book!) in stores 10/19

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.8 Comments

Siyo Friends! I know it’s been ages since I’ve written here, and a lot has changed in the last year or so. We’ve all been through, and continue to go through, times that would have been unfathomable a few years ago. I hope all of you are finding space for healing and reflection as we move into this next stage …

Sephora’s “Starter Witch Kit” and Spiritual Theft

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.15 Comments

I start most mornings by smudging [for non-Natives: info here]*. I love how the smell lingers on me and in my home and I love that the smell reminds me of Native spaces. It makes me feel safe. The medicines I use were all gifted to me by friends or colleagues, or I have a few special ones that I gathered …

“Magic in North America”: The Harry Potter franchise veers too close to home

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.117 Comments

Remember back in June when it was announced that the new Harry Potter prequel-of-sorts had an American Wizarding school? Remember how I was concerned? If you don’t, here’s a link to that post. Basics of my argument were: The problem, Jo (can I call you Jo? I hope so), is that we as Indigenous peoples are constantly situated as fantasy …

To the Native people in “Indian” Costumes

In Long form essays, Uncategorized by Adrienne K.57 Comments

It’s Sunday, November 1, and I’m scrolling through my various social media feeds, looking at the adorable, creative, fun, and smart costumes of all of my friends (and their babies) from Halloween last night. I’m heartened and happy by the series of texts I received, and the tweets and status updates I was tagged in, talking about confronting cultural appropriation …