Fighting Sioux Part 2: The Science

In American Indian College Fund, fighting sioux, mascots, psychological research, stephanie fryburg by Adrienne K.9 Comments

Part II: So, still unconvinced after my Part I emotional plea? You can refute my “feelings” all you want. But how about a real, peer-reviewed scientific study? You can’t mess with a one-two punch of emotions AND science, right? In a 2008 study published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology, Dr. Stephanie Fryburg (Stanford Almuna and one of …

Have you ever seen a real Indian?: AICF’s ad campaign

In advertising, American Indian College Fund, identity by Adrienne K.7 Comments

(image via For some reason, this week has offered me a host of examples of insensitivity and ignorance surrounding Indian identity and identity politics. I’ve gotten in intense arguments and conversations in classes, I’ve confronted a colleague who told me, to my face, that the reason the US and Canada were different in terms of policies towards their Indigenous …