"Indian Run": Offensive?

In Indian Run, palo alto high school, random appropriation by Adrienne K.6 Comments

I’m currently in NorCal (I was presenting at the NAISA conference in Sacramento–our Native Bloggers panel went really well, thanks for all your help!). I went to get a quick lunch in Palo Alto before I headed to the airport, and spotted this sign as I was walking down University Ave. Notice anything weird? The local Lululemon store has a …

When Non-Native Participation in Powwows Goes Terribly Wrong

In costumes, harvard powwow, palo alto high school, spectator special, stanford powwow, warpaint by Adrienne K.89 Comments

Let’s set the scene: Friday afternoon, Stanford powwow–one of the largest powwow’s on the West Coast. Three Native powwow committee members and a friend are checking in on the vendor booths, making sure things are ready to go, and they come across the group pictured above. 6 non-Native girls, decked out in warpaint, feathers, fringe, and moccassins–playing Indian at its …