Tracing the Urban Outfitters case and the role of Native social media

In Native social media, presentation, urban outfitters by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

Yesterday, an awesome, awesome reader named Thelma sent this Prezi over, it was her final presentation for a course in grad school. It’s a presentation that visually traces the whole Urban Outfitters case through the lens of social media, highlighting the role blogs and other Native media outlets had in driving the story. It’s really cool to see it all …

Nelly Furtado’s "Big Hoops" Video: Native dancers represent!

In Big Hoops, Duncan family, Fancy Shawl, Hoop Dancers, music videos, nelly furtado, Yellowbird Dancers by Adrienne K.2 Comments

(pic from Nelly’s Twitter) Do you know how rare and exciting this moment is? A mainstream music artist used Native influences in her music video, and I HAVE NOTHING NEGATIVE TO SAY!!!! Yesterday Nelly Furtado debuted her new music video for Big Hoops (The Bigger the Better), featuring the awesome hoop dancing of Tony and Kevin Duncan (Mandan/Hidatsa/Arikara/San Carlos Apache) …

Johnny Depp as Tonto: I’m still not feeling "honored"

In Hollywood stereotypes, Johnny Depp, Lone Ranger, Sattler, stereotypes, Tonto by Adrienne K.20 Comments

I guess we can put all the talk about Johnny Depp “honoring” Native people to rest now. Cause it’s been over a month since those first horrendous publicity pics of Depp-as-Tonto surfaced, and more information has been trickling out about Depp’s “inspiration” for his lovely costume. I think we’ll now see just how careful, respectful and honoring Mr. Depp was …

Midweek Motivation: "Savage That", an awesome video by Dartmouth Natives

In Darmouth, indian mascots, mascots, mid-week motivation, savage that, videos by Adrienne K.9 Comments

I have a million things swimming in my head this week (I promise I’ll write about some of them soon)–from the hideous Coachella headdress pics that keep popping up in my inbox, to those new Johnny Depp/Navajo pictures, to the water rights ish going down in Navajo, to this ridiculously racist kid’s party…and sometimes I just need a little push …

Dear Native student who was just admitted to college

In Admissions, Affirmative Action, college, college pride Native pride, Nation Building, Native students, success by Adrienne K.27 Comments

AK Note: I’ve been working on this post for a while, but last week’s comment chain on this post on Jezebel stirred me into action. I’m so sick of the myth that it’s somehow “easier” for Native students get into college, or that the government pays for our whole education. These myths and stereotypes are harmful to Native students and …

Harvard "Lampoon Indians" vs. Harlem Globetrotters

In Harlem Globetrotters, Harvard, Harvard Lampoon, I Am Not A Mascot, indian mascots, mascots by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

Welcome to Harvard, where we show extreme insensitivity toward members of our community in the name of humor! Tonight, members of the Harvard Lampoon, a student-run humor magazine that’s been around since 1876, will be playing a game of basketball against the Harlem Globetrotters. The name the hilarious Lampoon-ites have chosen for their team? The Lampoon Indians. The screenshot above …

A Tribe Called Red: Powwow Step and social commentary for the masses

In A Tribe Called Red, Electric Powwow, Native music, Northern Cree, Powwow Step, reappropriating, reclaiming, reimagining by Adrienne K.8 Comments

Something super exciting happened at midnight last night. So exciting, in fact, that I just had to share it with all of you. I don’t know about you, but my weekdays pretty much start out this way: Get up, head to my office, sit down at my computer, open A Tribe Called Red’s soundcloud page, and then proceed with my day. …

Have you had your identity stolen? Great cartoon from Last Real Indians

In cultural appropriation, hipster repellent, last real indians by Adrienne K.8 Comments

Just a quick post for today–I thought this image from was great. The “hipster repellent” is definitely my favorite part. Also check out their site for some great critical essays about Native issues. Are you following any interesting or important Native stories this week? Feel free to post in the comments! Last Real Indians: Anti-Appropriation Cartoon

Why Tonto Matters

In Hollywood stereotypes, Johnny Depp, Lone Ranger, stereotypes, Tonto by Adrienne K.51 Comments

It’s been a week or so since the original photos of Johnny Depp as Tonto have surfaced, and the internet has been abuzz with Depp defenders and Depp defectors–and while the Native Appropriations community and my internet circle have been on the “oh dang, this is real bad for us” train, I’ve been surprised at how many people have basically …

Johnny Depp as Cultural Appropriation Jack Sparrow…I mean Tonto.

In cultural appropriation, Hollywood stereotypes, Johnny Depp, Lone Ranger, put a bird on it, Tonto by Adrienne K.108 Comments

Entertainment Weekly just posted the “first look” of Johnny Depp as Tonto in the new Lone Ranger movie. I’m really at a loss for words right now. I…can’t. There was a bunch of controversy over the casting of Johnny Depp to begin with–and I was right on board, mad that they hadn’t cast a Native actor in the role. The …