Chrissy, one of my Twitter followers, came across this can of Korean Oysters while shopping at her local grocery store (I believe in Alabama?). From what I can gather with a quick google search, Dafuskie (with an “e”) Island in South Carolina used to be a big oyster producing area. But this website gives us this additional piece of Dafuskie …
Red Bull Gives You Stereotypes
Red Bull, the energy drink of the masses, presents us with a winner of an appropriation. This commercial reads like a check list of Native stereotypes. Apparently this ad aired heavily overseas (it can be found in many different languages on youtube), and first aired in the US back in 2009. However, it seems that Red Bull decided stereotypical imagery …
If Movie Titles Were Honest: Dances with Wolves Edition
White Man: The Superior Indian (via My friend Amy, who is the best internet browser in the history of the world, sent over this movie poster after my Dances with Wolves post last week. I love it. The whole slide show is pretty creative and entertaining. Can anyone think of any other “honest” movie titles for movies about …
"Legend has it…": More Natives in Advertising
Last Friday I headed over to the Harvard Med School (HMS) to listen to the final presentations of the students involved in HMS’s Native American High School Summer Program. I was so blown away and impressed by the students and what they managed to accomplish in three weeks, their presentations were incredible, powerful, and moving. But back to the issue …
Bonus Round: All the Awesome Tips in My Inbox
(screen shot from the new N.E.R.D. and Nelly Furtado video) Welcome to a new Friday feature, where I round-up all the awesome tips I get in my inbox, but don’t have a chance to write full posts about. Consider it a work-in-progress (I still need a name for it–ideas? let me know!). If anything in here strikes your fancy, and …
Batman and Superman as Indian Chiefs?
(source) Holy Headdress Batman! (omg I’m so creative I know). Reader Brianna sent over this image of Batman, in a headdress, punching what appears to be an Indian (POW!). She didn’t know the context, but a little googling this morning led me to this blog, with more images of Batman, plus other superheros, all dressed up in racial drag: (all …
"The Researchers Aren’t Taking Sides", But the AP Might Be
(image via Salon) Welcome to guest blogger Kaeleigh H., who is a student at Indiana University in the Archaeology and Social Context Program. She sent this post over as a tip, but I thought it was so awesome I’d just go ahead and publish it. Want to see your writing on Native Appropriations? Just send me an email! AK note: …
The Best Native Films (by or about Indigenous Peoples)
After my Dances with Wolves post, I held an informal poll over on the Native Appropriations Facebook page (are you a fan? you should be!) of the best Native films. I think the resulting list is a nice mix of documentary, comedy, and drama, and brings in some international perspectives as well. Let me know what you think. Here, in …
Native-themed Banksy Street Art in San Francisco
(Click to make it grande, source here) I’m a huge fan of the street art movement, I love art that incorporates social commentary and appears in unexpected forms and places. UK artist Banksy is arguably the leader of the movement, with his pieces appearing all over the world, in galleries and sold-out shows, but also on everything from nondescript alleys …
Random Appropriation of the Day! (Eagle Medicine Woman Ball-Jointed Doll)
Reader Dawn spotted this beauty through a Facebook ad, and just like our other fabulous Facebook find (the “Spirit Guides” tomahawk), it comes from the company “Collectibles Today.” Ready for the description? “With her Medicine Wheel and her eagle spirit guide, she has the power to bring protection and healing to her people. The Eagle Medicine Woman alone can unlock …