“Proud to Be”: NCAI’s answer to the R-word mascot debate

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.12 Comments

I’ve been sent this video a bazillion times in the last few days, and I think it’s a powerful and important PSA to add to the mascot “debate”*. I’ve watched it a few times through, and the message by the end is incredibly clear, and I love the final shot of the helmet, without having to say the R-word, asking …

They give out oscars for racism now?

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.70 Comments

Shhh. Don’t tell my committee I’m blogging. My dissertation is due, like, reallllllly soon. Just a quick post. I promise. Today, the list of nominees for the Academy Awards was released. I would just like to draw your attention to two of them. “Best Makeup and hairstyling”: THE LONE RANGER. (What?!?! arghabduVBIDslfdjlkm) and “Best Song”: “Alone yet not Alone” from the movie …

10 examples of Indian mascots “honoring” Native peoples

In indian mascots, mascots, Uncategorized by Adrienne K.22 Comments

Indian mascots, they’re totes honoring to Native peoples, right? That’s what fans always tell us, at least. Inspired by this image above posted on twitter, from a Sonic in Benton, MO, I decided to take some time to compile a list of just a few instances of how these mascots totally “honor” Native people. This is just from memory, btw. There …

So your friend dressed up as an Indian. Now what?

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.124 Comments

  Let’s set the scene. You walk into school/work/a halloween party and are having an awesome day cause it’s Halloween and you are wearing an awesome costume on that has something to do with a current event (without doing something like this or this), or a play on words, or a nerdy reference…because those are the best kind of costumes, …

Open Letter to the Pocahotties: The annotated version

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.80 Comments

  As part of my Halloween series, I’d like to try something a little different. The last couple of days, my 2011 post, “Open Letter to the Pocahotties and Indian Warriors this Halloween,” has started to make the rounds again. The first time I posted it, it caused such a firestorm I had to shut down comments (after it hit …

The one stop for all your “Indian costumes are racist” needs!

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.23 Comments

It’s that time of year again! Halloween. Time for folks to grab the nearest Indian costume off a shelf, put it on, and prance around a costume party as they get schwasty on witches brew. Or even better, for parents to grab an *adorable* little Indian outfit to socialize their child super early into an oppressive system that benefits from …

Canadian iTunes App Store Censors the Word RedSk*n

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.2 Comments

  See that picture above? That’s what Ian Campeau of A Tribe Called Red sees when he searches for the word “RedSk*n” (without the asterisk) in the Canadian iphone app store. I’ve been searching online to see if there was any announcement accompanying this change, any statement about why or how this happened or who was responsible, and I’ve got …

Women’s Media Center 2013 Social Media Award

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

Hi Friends, I’m so incredibly humbled and honored to let y’all know that I was nominated for the 2013 Women’s Media Center Social Media Award, along with eight other amazing women doing work in social justice, feminism, media, and more. Looking at the list, I’m so excited to be considered in the same league as these folks! When I got …

A “Shamanistic Journey” Through Nicholas K’s Spring 2014 Collection

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.7 Comments

  What’s up, Nicholas K? I’m Adrienne K. Nice to meet you. Maybe we’re related??? That’s a joke. We’re not related, because if you were in my family, you would know that putting models down the runway in Native American inspired headdresses is NOT OKAY. Here’s what I’m talking about (plenty more here): So, you know, I saw the pictures …

Revisiting Love in the Time of Blood Quantum

In blood quantum, Long form essays, Love, Uncategorized by Adrienne K.13 Comments

I know it’s been a long time between posts, I’m actually in the process of writing my dissertation(!!!). I’m getting into a routine, and hope that will mean I’ll have a (little) spare time to post more. This post is one that’s been percolating in my head for months, and while there are some more pressing issues I want to …