Repost: Why Tonto Matters

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.14 Comments

AK Note: Hi Everyone, yesterday I posted my (rather scathing) review of The Lone Ranger, and reading through some of the comments I’ve seen here and on other outlets, I feel the need to repost this piece from 3/16/2012. I know there are a lot of new readers (welcome!), so I hope this helps you understand the lens with which …

Johnny Depp Tells Rolling Stone more about Tonto

In Quotes, Ridiculously Maddening Quote of the Day, Uncategorized by Adrienne K.8 Comments

“I wanted him to be no joke. First of all, I wouldn’t f**k with someone with a dead bird on their head. Second of all, he’s got the f**king paint on his face, which scares me…I wanted to maybe give some hope to kids on the reservations. They’re living without running water and seeing problems with drugs and booze. But I …

Real Indians Don’t Care About Tonto

In activist fatigue, Culture Cops, identity, Johnny Depp, Lone Ranger, Native identity, Scott Richard Lyons, stereotypes, Tonto by Adrienne K.155 Comments

You know what I’ve learned in the last few months? Apparently I’m not a real Indian. Apparently, going to grad school and questioning how Native people are portrayed in pop culture makes me less “real.” I knew, in starting this blog, that being a white-looking Cherokee from SoCal trying to talk about Native issues would cause some problems, and my …

Johnny Depp as Tonto: I’m still not feeling "honored"

In Hollywood stereotypes, Johnny Depp, Lone Ranger, Sattler, stereotypes, Tonto by Adrienne K.20 Comments

I guess we can put all the talk about Johnny Depp “honoring” Native people to rest now. Cause it’s been over a month since those first horrendous publicity pics of Depp-as-Tonto surfaced, and more information has been trickling out about Depp’s “inspiration” for his lovely costume. I think we’ll now see just how careful, respectful and honoring Mr. Depp was …

Why Tonto Matters

In Hollywood stereotypes, Johnny Depp, Lone Ranger, stereotypes, Tonto by Adrienne K.51 Comments

It’s been a week or so since the original photos of Johnny Depp as Tonto have surfaced, and the internet has been abuzz with Depp defenders and Depp defectors–and while the Native Appropriations community and my internet circle have been on the “oh dang, this is real bad for us” train, I’ve been surprised at how many people have basically …

Johnny Depp as Cultural Appropriation Jack Sparrow…I mean Tonto.

In cultural appropriation, Hollywood stereotypes, Johnny Depp, Lone Ranger, put a bird on it, Tonto by Adrienne K.108 Comments

Entertainment Weekly just posted the “first look” of Johnny Depp as Tonto in the new Lone Ranger movie. I’m really at a loss for words right now. I…can’t. There was a bunch of controversy over the casting of Johnny Depp to begin with–and I was right on board, mad that they hadn’t cast a Native actor in the role. The …

A Reintroduction

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

The last few days/months/years have brought a lot of new folks to me, my work, and this ever-aging blog. I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to anyone who may be new here, and re-introduce myself to anyone who may have jumped in at any point along the last 14(!) years of Native Appropriations and my journey. I …

Sephora’s “Starter Witch Kit” and Spiritual Theft

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.15 Comments

I start most mornings by smudging [for non-Natives: info here]*. I love how the smell lingers on me and in my home and I love that the smell reminds me of Native spaces. It makes me feel safe. The medicines I use were all gifted to me by friends or colleagues, or I have a few special ones that I gathered …

“Magic in North America”: The Harry Potter franchise veers too close to home

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.117 Comments

Remember back in June when it was announced that the new Harry Potter prequel-of-sorts had an American Wizarding school? Remember how I was concerned? If you don’t, here’s a link to that post. Basics of my argument were: The problem, Jo (can I call you Jo? I hope so), is that we as Indigenous peoples are constantly situated as fantasy …

Repost: Step away from the “Indian” costume!

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.18 Comments

(I know you just want to look as cool as this guy. He’s SO COOL. ::eyeroll::) Originally posted 10/21/14 Hey. It’s me again. It’s that time of year. You might be saying to yourself, “Hey! What should I wear for Halloween this year?!?!” and some of you might be like, “OMG, I’ll be an INDIAN.” No. Don’t know why? I’ve got …