Notes from the field: Reconnecting through research

In Long form essays by Adrienne K.3 Comments

This post comes from my dissertation journaling in 2013, when I had just returned from my first research trip to Cherokee, NC to visit one of my students in her home community. I came across it today, and as I’m searching for academic jobs and intensely thinking about my research and my own connections to culture and place–I thought I …

Dear JK Rowling, I’m concerned about the American Wizarding School.

In open letter by Adrienne K.50 Comments

Dear JK Rowling, I am unabashedly a huge Harry Potter fan. I first encountered Harry when I was in Junior High, volunteering at the public library (nerd status, I know). The children’s librarian handed me book 1, and I was hooked. I even used to frequent Harry Potter message boards back in the day with my friend Kathleen (we were …

Missing the point on the Red Mesa Redsk*ns

In longform takedown by Adrienne K.3 Comments

A few weeks ago, Washington Post reporter Ian Shapira covered the “controversy” around the Daily Show’s segment on the Washington Racial Slurs. I, as you may remember, was not a fan of the way the story was covered. To Shapira’s credit, he reached out to me, and several other of my Native friends involved in the Daily Show debate or …

10 Days until Halloween: Step Away from the “Indian” Costume

In Halloween by Adrienne K.5 Comments

(I know you just want to look as cool as this guy. He’s SO COOL. ::eyeroll::) Hey. It’s me again. It’s that time of year. You might be like, “Hey! What should I wear for Halloween this year?!?!” and some of you might be like, “OMG, I’ll be an INDIAN.” No. Don’t know why? I’ve got 8 posts about why. Detailing every …

“She’s so pale”: The good and bad of national exposure

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.39 Comments

Last week I chatted with a super kind and engaged reporter at NPR. She found my blog because my colleague (thanks Todd!) tweeted her in response to a call for interesting education folks to follow on Twitter. She read through my blog, and came upon a post I wrote a couple years ago–“Dear Native student who was just admitted to college“–and …

No Oscar for redface–but is that progress?

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.9 Comments

  I half-heartedly watched the Oscars last night. There were definitely years when I was younger where I eagerly looked forward to the night, waiting for the red carpet coverage, ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the pretty dresses…but once I became a grown up who thinks about race, racism, white privilege, and representations of Natives all the time, it was like …

They give out oscars for racism now?

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.70 Comments

Shhh. Don’t tell my committee I’m blogging. My dissertation is due, like, reallllllly soon. Just a quick post. I promise. Today, the list of nominees for the Academy Awards was released. I would just like to draw your attention to two of them. “Best Makeup and hairstyling”: THE LONE RANGER. (What?!?! arghabduVBIDslfdjlkm) and “Best Song”: “Alone yet not Alone” from the movie …

So your friend dressed up as an Indian. Now what?

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.124 Comments

  Let’s set the scene. You walk into school/work/a halloween party and are having an awesome day cause it’s Halloween and you are wearing an awesome costume on that has something to do with a current event (without doing something like this or this), or a play on words, or a nerdy reference…because those are the best kind of costumes, …

The one stop for all your “Indian costumes are racist” needs!

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.23 Comments

It’s that time of year again! Halloween. Time for folks to grab the nearest Indian costume off a shelf, put it on, and prance around a costume party as they get schwasty on witches brew. Or even better, for parents to grab an *adorable* little Indian outfit to socialize their child super early into an oppressive system that benefits from …

I saw The Lone Ranger so you don’t have to

In Uncategorized by Adrienne K.198 Comments

  It’s been 12 hours since I saw The Lone Ranger, and I still have the darn William Tell Overture stuck in my head. I wonder how long that lasts. It’s like waking up with a Tonto hangover, I guess. I have so many thoughts on this film, and only maybe one of them is good. But I think we …