Cambridge 5K Yulefest Postcards, Really?

In Cambridge 5k, christmas Indians, stereotyping, Yulefest by Adrienne K.20 Comments

“Yulefest” is a Cambridge, MA tradition of sorts, a Holiday-themed 5k race through the streets of Cambridge, ending at a big tent full of beer. It’s considered to be irreverent, silly, and (from what I’ve heard) an overall good time. “Creative holiday wear” and costumes are encouraged, and everyone has a grand ol’ time. Until now. Cause I’m not having …

Have a Happy Indigenous Holiday Season: Part 1

In Buy Native, happy holidays, holiday shopping, Indigenous arts by Adrienne K.14 Comments

It’s a good season to be Indigenous! I hope everyone had a safe and happy Turkey Day (or You’re Welcome Day, or Thanks-taking day, or Day of Mourning, however you chose to celebrate/not celebrate). I’ve had an incredibly busy month, which I’m sure you noticed, given the lack of anything up here. But back to the blog! I often extol …

Kris Jenner uses the term "Indian Giver"

In Indian Giver, Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner by Adrienne K.19 Comments

(It’s a two-post day! omg!) I just saw this on my Facebook feed and felt the need to share. So for those of you who don’t spend 90% of your day reading celebrity gossip blogs (I’m incriminating myself here), Kim Kardashian got married 75 days ago. Her wedding cost anywhere from $10-20 million dollars. She filed for divorce 3 days …

Let’s debrief what happened with Halloween

In anti racist halloween, Halloween, how awesome is that emoticon pumpkin, reflections by Adrienne K.50 Comments

This isn’t going to be a story about how I chased some Pocahottie down the street yelling about the history of colonialism and subordination of Native peoples, or how I ripped a headdress off a huge guy and stomped it in the mud in the name of justice (Actually, I did that one time at a football game. Not recommended.). …

Coast Salish Influences in Seahawks Fan Gear

In 12th man, appreciation, appropriation, art, Coast Salish, Seahawks by Adrienne K.13 Comments

Welcome guest blogger, and one of my BFF’s, Marjorie J (Tulalip and Swinomish), she’s a current law student and I’ve clearly gotten in her head with the Native Appropriations talk. If I’ve gotten in your head too and you’d like to guest blog about an issue, just send me an email! I have mixed feelings about The 12th Man design by one …

We are not a costume.

In anti racist halloween, beautiful Natives, Halloween, I am not a costume, I am not your costume by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

Happy Halloween! If you didn’t get your fill from my Open Letter to the PocaHotties and Indian Warriors This Halloween, or the follow up of Halloween Costume Shopping: A Sampling of the Racism for Sale, here are some human reminders as to why you might not want to dress up as a stereotypical Native this Halloween: (lots more photos after …

Halloween Costume Shopping: A sampling of the racism for sale

In costumes, Halloween, I am not your costume, pocahottie, racism, spirit halloween store by Adrienne K.153 Comments

“Sexy Indian Adult Costume” After my open letter yesterday, I feel like some people still aren’t getting it (maybe it was the 100+ comments telling me to eff off?). Despite my appeals to emotion and greater human decency, it seems that many people in the world of thar’ intranets need some more physical reminders as to why dressing like a …

Open Letter to the PocaHotties and Indian Warriors this Halloween

In Halloween, I am not your costume, open letter, pocahottie, white privilege by Adrienne K.592 Comments

Dear Person that decided to dress up as an Indian for Halloween, I was going to write you an eloquent and well-reasoned post today about all the reasons why it’s not ok to dress up as a Native person for Halloween–talk about the history of “playing Indian” in our country, point to the dangers of stereotyping and placing of Native …

Your Daily Combo Merman-Indian Chief Christmas Ornament

In chief merman, christmas, mermaid, random appropriation, wtf by Adrienne K.35 Comments

“Chief Merman Christmas Ornament from December Diamonds is a traditional tribal chief that leads a tribe.” He must be the “traditional tribal chief” of one of those NW coast tribes. They really like their salmon. Ayyye. Yeah, I have no idea. Luckily this guy is only $23.95, much unlike our lovely $7000 “Pueblo Clown Goes to Sturgis” from last week. …

Winslow Health Center on the Navajo Nation Gets Their Groove On

In Navajo, pink glove dance contest, winslow Indian health care center by Adrienne K.4 Comments

Just a quick, positive post for today. I know many of you have seen all the coverage that Sasha Brown’s Open Letter to Urban Outfitters has been getting (making it to ABC news, Jezebel, all over!), and I’m really happy after truly years of writing about this stuff (especially at Urban), the word is finally getting out. I want to …