Reflections on 3 years at Native Appropriations

In academia, activism, reflections by Adrienne K.6 Comments

This morning my brain woke me up wide awake at 5am, just opened my eyes, ready to go, like this were a normal and everyday experience. The reality is quite the opposite–most mornings I hit snooze more than I care to admit. My brain was whirring from the moment I blinked awake, and I decided to put to paper some …

Let’s debrief what happened with Halloween

In anti racist halloween, Halloween, how awesome is that emoticon pumpkin, reflections by Adrienne K.50 Comments

This isn’t going to be a story about how I chased some Pocahottie down the street yelling about the history of colonialism and subordination of Native peoples, or how I ripped a headdress off a huge guy and stomped it in the mud in the name of justice (Actually, I did that one time at a football game. Not recommended.). …