Native Bloggers Panel at NAISA 2011: I need your help!

In NAISA 2011 by Adrienne K.11 Comments

This Friday I’ll be flying back out to Sacramento to participate in the 2011 Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Conference, I’m sitting on a panel with Dr. Jessica Metcalfe, who writes Beyond Buckskin, and Dr. Lara Evans who writes Not Artomatic. (Can’t wait until I can write Dr. Adrienne K…only 3-5 more years, ha.) Here’s our panel description: …

Playing Indian at Stanford Powwow, Year 2

In blackface, feather hair clips, playing indian, racial drag, stanford powwow by Adrienne K.8 Comments

Last year about this time, I posted about some local high school girls who decided to dress up and play Indian at Stanford’s powwow. The post caused a huge ruckus, I ended up getting “legal threats” from the girls’ parents, and a lot of people hated me for a minute. But since the internet has a memory of about 2 …

Um, Not Make Believe.

In geronimo, Make Believe clothing co, stereotypes by Adrienne K.18 Comments

Spotted this on Pinterest, comes from a company in Omaha called Make Believe Clothing Co. Best part? it’s called the “Geronimo” shirt. Here, I wrote them a note, and re-designed their shirt for them: Dear Make Believe Clothing Company, You might need to sit down for this news. It might come as a shock. Guess what? American Indians are not …

Monday Motivation: "More Than Frybread" Trailer

In frybread, mid-week motivation, mocumentary, native film by Adrienne K.1 Comment

My new obsession of the moment:“More Than Frybread”. From what I can tell from the trailer, it’s a mockumentary-style film that covers the “World Wide Frybread Association Arizona Chapter Frybread Championship.” It tells the story through following several of the finalists, who are all awesome characters. So far it reminds me a lot of the Christopher Guest movies, which are …

But my Grandpa was 1/16th Cherokee!

In cartoons, cherokee, hipster headdress by Adrienne K.12 Comments

Happy Friday everyone! Thanks to my friend (and amazing internet browser) Scott for finding this one–perfectly sums it up, I think. Are we finally witnessing the death of the hipster headdress? Cartoon can be found on, and check out how many people have re-blogged it! Earlier: But Why Can’t I Wear a Hipster Headdress? (Thanks Scott!)

Baby Teepees are like, totally, in.

In cultural appropriation, design, teepee, tent, tipi by Adrienne K.21 Comments

The newest accessory for your already perfect nursery? A tipi of course! Eagle-eyed readers Andrea, Laura, and Mieko spotted these “adorable” tipi’s all over tumblr last week. Most of the pictures are from Design Chic, and here’s how the author sets up a slew of tipi-pics: Grown-up or child, we all need a little bit of space that is all …

Love in the Time of Blood Quantum

In blood quantum, dating, intermarriage, multi-racial by Adrienne K.41 Comments

I’m fully aware of the fact that if it weren’t for intermarriage between Natives and non-Natives, I wouldn’t exist. I’m proud of all of my heritages, and proud that I can be unique in my Cherokee/Armenian/Irish/Welsh/German-ness (though, apparently Cher is Cherokee/White/Armenian, so maybe not so unique). I love that my family traditions and holidays are imbued with Armenian food and …

Random Appropriation of the Day! ("100 Secret Indian Prophecies")

In Elvis isn't dead he's just in a coma, mysticism, tabloids, The Sun by Adrienne K.6 Comments

Reader Winter Fox sent this over–apparently there are 100 secret Indian Prophecies (that will change your life forever!) out there, and The Sun has tracked them down. So exciting! We all know that every Indian is a magical shaman with mystical powers, so I’m glad The Sun has finally recognized that fact. ha. Also, note that it’s right above “Elvis …

So many things to catch up on!

In CSULB, fox news, harvard powwow, indian mascots, john stossel, mascot ban, seminole tribe of florida, UND sioux by Adrienne K.3 Comments

Hi Friends, Yes, it’s been over a month since my last post, I’m really sorry! I’ve had some family stuff going on, and was back in California for a bit, and have been trying to catch up since then. I have an inbox that is bursting with great (if by great I mean maddening and cringe-worthy) tips, so I’ll try …

Smiling Indians and Edward S. Curtis

In 1491s, Edward S. Curtis, Indian Humor, Smiling Indians, stereotypes by Adrienne K.10 Comments

Everyone knows the photographs of Edward S. Curtis–they are the “iconic” Indian pictures you see in coffee table books, on postcards, even on wall hangings at Ikea. They’re the images people most often associate with Natives: Indians on horses, Indians in headdresses, Indians riding off into the sunset never to be seen again… At the time he was working, Curtis …