Native Video Round-Up: Johnny Depp, Identity, and Poetry

In 1491s, Johnny Depp, native film, Native video round up, poetry, Tonto, Well Red by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

I know things have been quiet around here for a few weeks, and I apologize. I’ve been traveling all over the place talking, and talking, and talking some more. I had great visits to ASU and Columbia, and was supposed to be on an awesome panel with Phil Deloria, Suzan Harjo, and Carla Fredericks in NYC, but it was unfortunately …

Have a little Native love this Valentines Day

In 1491s, Cherokee Spokespeople, gratitude, Love, Native Love, super cheesy post, valentines day by Adrienne K.3 Comments

We’ve been dealing with a lot of heavy stuff lately, and since this is my third Valentines Day I’m commemorating on Native Approps, I decided to stay in the positive, love-filled zone, rather than delving into the world of racist vintage valentines or stereotype-filled “Native American Love” art like years past. I’ve given and received a lot of love this …

Midweek Motivation Videos: 1491s and Hipster Fashion

In 1491s, fashion, mid-week motivation, native film, videos, youtube by Adrienne K.4 Comments

Happy Wednesday everyone! I have a couple of fun Native videos that have been making the rounds on the internets that I thought I would share. First up, the latest video from the 1491s–the Native sketch comedy group that brought us the Wolfpack auditions, Day in the Life of a Powwow MC, as well as the gorgeous poem Geronimo E-KIA, …

Smiling Indians and Edward S. Curtis

In 1491s, Edward S. Curtis, Indian Humor, Smiling Indians, stereotypes by Adrienne K.10 Comments

Everyone knows the photographs of Edward S. Curtis–they are the “iconic” Indian pictures you see in coffee table books, on postcards, even on wall hangings at Ikea. They’re the images people most often associate with Natives: Indians on horses, Indians in headdresses, Indians riding off into the sunset never to be seen again… At the time he was working, Curtis …