Ridiculously Maddening Quote of the Day: Rush Limbaugh Blames Indians for Tobacco-related deaths

In Genocide, Ridiculously Maddening Quote of the Day, Rush Limbaugh, Stupidity, Thanksgiving, Tobacco by Adrienne K.9 Comments

  Rush Limbaugh saying ridiculous things is kinda par for the course at this point, but this one definitely takes insensitivity and stupidity to a whole other level. It’s a little old, but I thought it was still worth it. He begins by talking about the “un-Thanksgiving” and “Day of Mourning” that Native activist groups celebrate rather than “traditional, American” …

This is just wrong.

In indian mascots, Redskins, Victoria's Secret by Adrienne K.10 Comments

This picture was taken by my friend Kelsey at a Victoria’s Secret store in DC. I can break it down, but I think the image speaks for itself. What kind of society do we live in that this type of overt racism is not only accepted, but celebrated in our nation’s capital? Earlier: Nudie Neon Indians and the Sexualization of …

Tom Ford in a Headdress; but that’s not the interesting part

In hipster headdress, jezebel, Tom Ford by Adrienne K.11 Comments

 (image via HuffPo) AK Note: Hi, remember me? My apologies for the sudden post drop off, school has been ridiculously busy. But I’m back, promise. And I’m still always looking for guest posts if anyone is interested…nativeappropriations@gmail.com A few days ago, Huffington Post posted some preview pictures of Tom Ford’s photo spread in French Vogue (he’s a fashion designer, btw). …

Navajo Potatoes: not what I was expecting

In Navajo, Navajo Pride Potatoes by Adrienne K.5 Comments

I saw this pop up on my friend Jerry’s Facebook wall, and immediately thought it was going to be a “Random Appropriation of the Day”–but I was pleasantly and unexpectedly wrong. Walmart now sells potatoes grown on the Navajo Nation. How cool is that? Update: commenter Bill posted the “About Us” from the Navajo Pride webpage: “We produce premier Navajo …

Presidential Proclamation on Native American Heritage Month

In Native American Heritage Month, Obama, Presidential proclamation by Adrienne K.6 Comments

 (Obama on the Crow reservation, source here) Every year since 1990, the president of the United States has issued a proclamation declaring the month of November as “National Native American Heritage Month.” As a result, November often brings an influx of “Native American Awareness” programming at local libraries, schools, and community organizations, culminating with the one day Indians come up …

Harvard Sigma Chi Update #2: An Email from the National Chapter

In Apology, Conquistabros and Navajos, harvard sigma chi by Adrienne K.6 Comments

(Random people at the Harvard Sigma Chi house…thanks google images) After my post on the Conquistabros and Navajos party at Harvard, I fired off a few angry emails to the National Chapter of Sigma Chi, linking back to my blog. When the apology came out in the Crimson last week, I assumed that was it. Yesterday, however, I received a …

Mid-Week Motivation: I am NOT your Costume

In I am not your costume, mid-week motivation by Adrienne K.7 Comments

I am a human being. I am not your Halloween costume. I am not your party theme. I am not your mascot.  I am not your costume. These are some of my awesome friends and classmates from the Stanford Native community, protesting the use of “Native” themes at campus frat parties back in 2009. I thought it was fitting to bring …

Rachel Zoe as a "Makeshift Indian Warrior"

In Halloween, Indian Warrior, rachel zoe by Adrienne K.8 Comments

(Click for bigger, source here) Add Rachel Zoe to the list of celebrities donning racial drag this Halloween. She posted this picture October 30th on her twitter account and blog with the tweet: “headed out as a make shift Indian warrior! Happy almost Halloween! XoRZ” The plastic tomahawk is a nice touch, right? sigh. Here’s the post: The Zoe Report: …

Paris Hilton as a "Sexy Indian": The Halloween Fallout Begins

In Halloween, Indian costumes, Paris Hilton by Adrienne K.19 Comments

(image source–there are like 40 more pictures if you’re curious) These pictures of Paris Hilton at the Playboy Halloween Party have been making the rounds on the internets today. Jezebel put the photo up with a “ZOMG RACISMZ” headline–but no follow up or further information, so in typical Jezebel commenter fashion, the comments have descended into crazy. Check them out …

Harvard Sigma Chi Update: They’ve Apologized

In Apology, Conquistabros and Navajos, Harvard College, Sigma Chi by Adrienne K.5 Comments

AK note: Repost from the Harvard Crimson. Thoughts on the apology? ‘Conquistabros and Navajos’ Party Faces Criticism By Kathryn C. Reed As The Crimson reported two weeks ago, a Sigma Chi party, which was billed as “Conquistabros and Navajos” received some criticism from some students on campus. Students were encouraged to dress up “as anything related to exploration in America, …