Harvard’s "Conquistabros and Navajos" Frat Party

In Columbus Day, Columbus Sucks, Conquistabros and Navajos, costumes, Harvard College, Hollywood stereotypes, Sigma Chi by Adrienne K.18 Comments

(Click for bigger version) A couple of weeks ago, in the midst of Indigenous Peoples Day planning, I heard that the brothers of Sigma Chi at Harvard had decided to throw a “Conquistabros and Navajos” party in honor of “Columbus” Day. There was very little mention of it throughout the Harvard community (besides a quick quote in the Crimson from …

Andrew Cuomo "Paraphrases" a "Native American Proverb"

In Andrew Cuomo, gubernatorial debate, I Hope You Don't Get Elected, Native American Proverb, NY govenor, stereotypes by Adrienne K.5 Comments

Last night was the New York Gubernatorial Debate, featuring a fantastic cast of characters who are vying for the coveted role of NY Governor. I don’t live in NY, and have more of a vested interest in what happens in CA this election cycle (I grew up in SoCal)…but I did get a tip that I should check out Andrew …

Random Appropriation of the Day ("Friend Tire" Truck)

In friend tire, random appropriation by Adrienne K.1 Comment

Going with the theme of Indians on the back of trucks/buses established in our discussion of Trans-Bridge’s mascot yesterday, I thought I would share this image sent over by Bethany, spotted in Memphis, TN. At least it’s not “Savage Tire”? or “Enemy Tire”? (Thanks Bethany!)

Trans-Bridge Bus Lines Mascot, "Hi-Yo"

In indian mascots, mascots, Trans-Bridge bus lines by Adrienne K.2 Comments

This guy comes to us from reader Chris, who spotted a Trans-Bridge bus sporting the logo in Pennsylvania. The “about us” portion of their website gives this background on the logo: In case you can’t read it, the text says: “If you have ever driven behind a Trans-Bridge Lines’ bus, then you must have seen painted on the rear window, …

Take Back Columbus Day

In Columbus Day, Editorial, Indigenous Peoples Day, Yale Daily News by Adrienne K.4 Comments

(Yale Native students commemorating Indigenous Peoples Day. Photo source here) AK Note: Repost from Yale Daily News, beautifully written editorial by Native student Michael Eagleman Honhongva. Article can be found here.  By Michael Eagleman Honhongva Indigenous Peoples’ Day commemorates the resilience of indigenous peoples worldwide, throughout campaigns of exploitation, prejudice, and outright genocide. But this year, you might know it …

More Anti-Columbus Videos

In Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples Day by Adrienne K.5 Comments

  Conquistadora the Explorer: a satirical (and hilarious) look at the legacy of conquest in the New World Columbus with the Big Butt: made by Yurok/Karuk Koleyna Kohler when she was 9 years old, an amusing look at Columbus, with a catchy song that will get stuck in your head. For real. “look at that Columbus with the big butt…“ …

Reconsider Columbus Day

In 518 years of resistance, Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples Day by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

This is a fabulous PSA that was originally put together in 2009, entitled “Reconsider Columbus Day.”  The project is associated with ReconsiderColumbusDay.org, which is another fabulous resource. Video can be found on the site above, as well as here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il5hwpdJMcg

Debunking the Myths of Columbus Day

In Columbus Day, Columbus Sucks, Indigenous Peoples Day by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

(video can be found here) This video, from Ian Clark Online, goes through all the myths and arguments in favor of Columbus, debunking each one in an entertaining and easy-to-understand video. Definitely a must watch.

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples, Not Columbus

In Columbus Day, Columbus Sucks, Indigenous Peoples Day by Adrienne K.1 Comment

All the banks near my house in Boston currently have signs on the door that say “Columbus Day is a National Holiday. This branch will be closed Monday October 12, 2010.” One even has a nice little picture of a boat. It makes me so angry every time I walk by, imagining all the kids in schools all over the …

Oh no, Khloe Kardashian.

In hipster headdress, Khloe Kardashian, twitter, warbonnet by Adrienne K.5 Comments

(source here) Khloe Kardashian just posted this picture to her twitter, with the caption “I love playing dress up!”If you can stomach it, read the comments. They’re already playing the “omg get over it stop being so sensitive it’s just a hat!” game. This makes me sad. I like Khloe. So if you still need to know why it’s wrong …