Looks like Rachel Zoe was right…

In "tribal", fashion, pendleton, rachel zoe by Adrienne K.2 Comments

(image via The Sartorialist) Remember back in January when I posted the Rachel Zoe report about Lindsay Thornburg’s Pendleton cloaks? Looks like they’ve invaded the NY fashion scene. I found this picture this morning on The Sartorialist, one of my favorite fashion blogs of on-the-street fashion, by photographer Scott Schuman. He tends to have his fingers on the pulse of …

Random Appropriation of the Day!

In fashion, Hermes, random appropriation by Adrienne K.2 Comments

My friend Yve found this Hermes scarf online.  Called “Pani La Shar Pawnee”, it retails for $420, and features a border of feathers and a vintage-looking Native photo. The image can be clicked for a bigger version, or the website has a zoom function as well. The scarf can be found here. Apparently there were earlier, limited editions as well. …

The Vancouver opening ceremonies: honoring Canadian First Nations?

In First Nations, indigenous, opening ceremonies, Vancouver Games by Adrienne K.11 Comments

  I didn’t get to watch the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver games live (I didn’t have a TV-until today!), but I was getting constant text message updates along the lines of: “girl, tell me you are watching the opening ceremonies! hella First Nations!” So I finally got around to watching them online and capturing some screen shots of the …

The Simpsons stereotypes Alaska Native cultures, again.

In Alaska Native, Inuit, Olympics, The Simpsons, Vancouver Games by Adrienne K.5 Comments

  On the most recent episode of the Simpsons,  Homer and Marge gain a spot on the US Olympic curling team and head to Vancouver for the games. When they arrive in the city, Homer is greeted by an Alaska Native/Inuit woman (in Vancouver?) and they engage in about 10 seconds of guttural noises back and forth as the background …

Robin Lopez wore a Stanford Indian shirt, and 15,000 people saw

In mascots, random appropriation, robin lopez, stanford indian by Adrienne K.3 Comments

  (image via “Official Twitter feed for Phoenix Suns forward Jared Dudley” link here) This is Phoenix Suns player and Stanford alum Robin Lopez…wearing a Stanford Indians shirt. For those of you unfamiliar with the Stanford mascot history, in 1972, as a direct result of Stanford Native student activism, the university finally banned the use of that stereotypical image you …

You Heap Fine Valentine, and HOW.

In American Indian, random appropriation, valentines day by Adrienne K.3 Comments

  Happy Valentines Day everyone! Enjoy these Indian-themed vintage valentines, which can all be found at: http://www.vintagevalentinemuseum.com/2007/06/mechanical-native-american-indian-at.html Lots more after the jump! I’m sending this ARROW, CHIEFLY to say, Let me be your “beau”, my valentine (1940’s)   You’ve kindled a spark of love in my heart my valentine (1930’s)   (1940’s)   (1940’s)   I’d never ‘squaw’k if you’d …

Indian River Light Beer: "At Last, a Beer Native to Manhattan"

In advertising, American Indian, heartland brewery, women by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

 (image via heartlandbrewery.com) My friend Kayla pointed me (via her friend Tia’s Facebook) to Heartland Brewery, straight out of hipster-haven Brooklyn, NY, and their beer called “Indian River”. Here is the picture that Tia snapped of their advertisement at a bus stop in Manhattan: If you can’t read it, it says “accents of orange, no pulp” and “At last, a …

Random Appropriation of the Day! (Gearing up for Valentines Day)

In random appropriation by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

Taken at a rest stop on the drive from San Francisco to Portland, OR (Thanks Kelly and Amy!)

Is Twilight good for the Quileute?

In American Indian, new moon, quileute, twilight by Adrienne K.1 Comment

(image via hottopic.com) Note: This piece assumes some limited knowledge of the Twilight series. If you need some background, look here. 🙂 I was so happy when I saw this fantastic OpEd in the NY Times about the relationship between the Twilight franchise and the Quileute tribe. The article was written by the Associate Director of American Indian Studies at …

Help for Cheyenne River

In cheyenne river, crisis, south dakota, winter storms by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

 (image via http://47whitebuffalo.wordpress.com) In the past few weeks, many of the South Dakota tribes have been hit incredibly hard with the recent winter storms. Many communities are still without power, and power companies estimate it will be another 4-5 weeks before power is restored. With temperatures dipping well below zero, supplies of food and water on the reservations are desperately …