U of I "Unofficial" St. Patrick’s Day Shirt: Mascot is far from dead…He is just passed the f**k out

In Chief Illiniwek, mascots, U of Illinois, unofficial st. patricks day by Adrienne K.1 Comment

(image via aiscircle.wordpress.com)–Click the picture for bigger version One of my friends pointed me to this shirt produced by students at the university of Illinois for their “unofficial st. patricks day” that is currently being sold through Facebook.  The t-shirt text reads: (front) Unofficial St. Patricks Day 2010 (back) Chief Illiniwek: U of I’s Unofficial mascot is far from dead…he …

Spool No. 72’s Coyote Navajo Rug Clutch

In "tribal", fashion, Navajo, spool no. 72 by Adrienne K.4 Comments

Another fashion appropriation sent by my sister, this one from the clothing website Spool No. 72. From perusing their website, they seem to be along the lines of Anthropologie, bohemian/vintage chic with maybe a little more “ethnic” flair thrown in there. The clutch description reads: An exclusive for Spool No. 72. Made from a vintage Navajo rug each of our …

I need some help figuring this one out…

In random appropriation by Adrienne K.3 Comments

(via Failblog.org) Anyone able to help me out with the language/context on this one?  Original post on Failblog: http://failblog.org/2010/02/25/pedobear-sings-you-to-sleep/

Have you ever seen a real Indian?: AICF’s ad campaign

In advertising, American Indian College Fund, identity by Adrienne K.7 Comments

(image via http://www.americanindiancollegefund.org) For some reason, this week has offered me a host of examples of insensitivity and ignorance surrounding Indian identity and identity politics. I’ve gotten in intense arguments and conversations in classes, I’ve confronted a colleague who told me, to my face, that the reason the US and Canada were different in terms of policies towards their Indigenous …

Nicole Richie’s baby mocs

In "tribal", fashion, house of harlow, kitson, Nicole Richie by Adrienne K.2 Comments

(via shopkitson.com) My fabulous little sister Michele found this from Nicole Richie’s new baby clothes line for Kitson (called “House of Harlow”). Baby moccasins for $225?! (Thanks Sees!)

Random Appropriation of the Day!

In headdress, hipsters, random appropriation by Adrienne K.1 Comment

(Image via http://hipsterpuppies.tumblr.com/) Today’s random appropriation comes from Hipster Puppies, a pretty adorable tumblr feed playing off hipster stereotypes by captioning pictures of dogs. The above image was posted with this caption: “lola got booted from the kickball team after just showing up every week and drinking” In the words of tipster MK: “I’m gonna hope the caption about drinking has …

Dartmouth Native Vigilantes?

In activism, American Indian, dartmouth, mascots, vigilantes by Adrienne K.1 Comment

(image via ivygateblog.com) Last night several of these anonymous signs were posted around the campus of Dartmouth College on the lawns of greek organizations and in front of administration buildings. The text on the sign above, posted at the Psi Upsilon house, reads: Dear Brothers of Psi U, You have been charged with representing your brotherhood to Dartmouth as racist …

Indigenous Olympics Link Roundup Part 2

In First Nations, indigenous, link roundup, Olympics, Vancouver Games by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

(Image via http://www.ryanmcmahoncomedy.com) Here are a few more links examining the Indigenous presence in the games! Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples & The Vancouver 2010 Olympics – Unprecedented Inclusion?– Ryan McMonohon Comedy The argument I’ve been hearing is that with the “inclusion” of First Nations in the games marks the NEW start to a world wide relationship with us as Aboriginal Peoples living …

Indigenous Olympics link roundup

In link roundup, Olympics, Vancouver Games by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

As promised, I’ve tried to pull together some informative links/articles/blog posts about the Indigenization of the winter Olympics. This is by no means exhaustive (not even close!) so if anyone has more, please send them my way! An Indigenous Olympics?– Toban Black via Sociological Images (AK note: this is a fantastic, well researched, well written piece, I wanted to quote …

Jessica Alba is all about the Pendleton

In fashion, jessica alba, pendleton by Adrienne K.1 Comment

Thanks to @lanova33 for pointing me to these pics of Jessica Alba sporting the pendleton jacket and braids in Texas last week. A couple more below:   All pics are from her twitter feed, and can be found here: http://tweetphoto.com/8721265 (Thanks Lanova!)