Fighting Sioux Part 2: The Science

In American Indian College Fund, fighting sioux, mascots, psychological research, stephanie fryburg by Adrienne K.9 Comments

Part II: So, still unconvinced after my Part I emotional plea? You can refute my “feelings” all you want. But how about a real, peer-reviewed scientific study? You can’t mess with a one-two punch of emotions AND science, right? In a 2008 study published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology, Dr. Stephanie Fryburg (Stanford Almuna and one of …

The Fighting Sioux are back: My passionate plea against Indian mascots

In fighting sioux, indian mascots, mascots, racism by Adrienne K.15 Comments

As of last Wednesday, University of North Dakota (UND) has reinstated their use of the “Fighting Sioux” mascot, which was banned last year. Residents of the state gathered over 17,000 signatures to put the issue on the ballot in the upcoming elections, and the UND administration says that they wanted to show that they “honor the refrendum process” by reinstating …

OMG so much to talk about!

In beyond buckskin, fighting sioux, hipster headdress, indian mascots, link roundup, menominee language, samantha crain, week in the life of a stereotypical Indian by Adrienne K.7 Comments

Hey Guys, I have been so impressed (saddened? angered?) by all of your “Week in the Life of a Stereotypical Indian” submissions, that I’ve been culling through them all for the last week or so. I promise a post next week breaking it all down–but in order to do that, I’d love some of your reflections about what the experience …