I eat stereotypes like you for breakfast.

In advertising, branding, land o lakes, noble savage, plains, Stereotype Breakfast, stereotypes by Adrienne K.Leave a Comment

My friend Jeremiah sent me this picture last night via twitter, and in my head, I thought “I could make some stereotype biscuits for breakfast!” Which got me thinking. How many products with stereotypical imagery could I fit in one imaginary breakfast? All of these products are readily available (though some are regional), and I decided not to include vintage …

"Tribal Hunter" is worse off than "Circus Clown": 2010 Indian Legos

In Legos, noble savage, Tribal Warrior by Adrienne K.10 Comments

Time to meet the 2010 Lego “Tribal Hunter,” the smiling dude above. Note his “buckskin” outfit, beads, eagle feathers, warpaint, long hair, and bow and arrows. Pretty much every stereotypical marker that I can think of (see this post for more information about those markers). But lest you be offended, read his description below. He’s not a violent warrior, he’s …